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Yoga is a mind and body practice with a 5,000-year history in ancient Indian philosophy. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.

Private Yoga


A variety of yogic styles and techniques are utilized to build a personalized sequence. We work together to create new habits that offer more powerful sense of well-being.

For 200hr & 300hr Yoga Teacher Certifications, please visit:

Chattanooga Yoga School


Holistic Massage Therapy


  Trager, Thai, Deep Tissue and Reiki may be blended into a unique session to created the most benefit for you in that particular moment.



 Healing Arts Therapy 

May Include Yoga, Breathing Practices, Massage and Hakomi (mindfulness) practice. This longer session allows you to slow down and experience the relationship between the mind, body & emotions. Physical & emotional pain-relief have been experienced after this type of session. 



My approach to inner work is designed to place our nervous system's innate intelligence up front.   One of the principles of this work is that we slow down and establish presence to get below the analytical mind.   This allows for wisdom and shifts in perspective which can be difficult to access in the hustle and bustle of daily life

 Coaching- phone, Zoom or Studio


Based on the Hakomi Principles and utilizing Presence-based coaching techniques to Explore how you can change your thinking, access a renewable source of energy, gain new perspectives that build Resilience


(423) 595-2364

116 Cross Street
Chattanooga, TN 37405



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